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ABU ROBOCON 2021 Theme and Rulebook - Jimo, China - ABU ROBOCON 2021 Theme and Rulebook - Jimo, China - ABU ROBOCON 2021 Theme and Rulebook - Jimo, China - ABU ROBOCON 2021 Theme and Rulebook - Jimo, China

ABU ROBOCON 2021 Theme and Rulebook – Jimo, China

ABU ROBOCON (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union Robot Contest) is a largest international robot contest celebrating it's 20th anniversary ROBOCON at Jimo, China on this year (2021). The ABU ROBOCON brings us an exciting ancient game of china 'Throwing Arrows into pot' with the help of new technology using robots. The competing teams build their robots according to the rulebook and...